
Jobs, The Economy and Voting Rights

Taking time off to vote can come at too high a cost for many — and no one should have to risk their job to vote. Did you know that voting access is directly tied to a better economy—including closing the racial wage gap, better jobs and working conditions?

Jobs, the Economy and Voting Rights
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Money, race, voting. It’s all connected. When fair access to voting is front and center in election policies, we see increased economic benefit, a reduction in the race income gap and better working conditions. But when access to voting is restricted, we see the opposite – political inequality increases, and wages and working conditions suffer.

How do we know? Well, just look at the data following two clear moments in our history that show the connection between the economy and voting rights.

1. Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA): In 1965 congress passed landmark legislation to prevent racial discrimination in states and/or counties with a history of discriminating at the polls. From 1950 to 1980, counties that were protected by the VRA saw:

  • An increased public sector jobs for Black employees
  • A decrease in the racial wage gap between white and Black employees by 5.5%
  • Economic security and prosperity was redistributed across races

2. Shelby County v Holder: In 2013, the Supreme Court of the United States repealed a key section of the Voting Rights Act that allowed federal oversight of election laws to prevent discrimination. In the years following that decision, in counties previously covered by the VRA we see:

The cycle of poverty starts to break at the voting booth, and people with economic security are more likely to continue to vote. So to all the politicians who keep talking “Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!” — tell them to “Save the Vote! Vote! Vote!”

To learn more, check out some great resources on the economy and voting rights:



You know all the things that make voting hard? Well if you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community, you probably know it firsthand: higher rates of incarceration, youth homelessness, difficulty getting proper ID, systemic discrimination — all these things hit home. That’s why we need to speak out.
Voter ID laws “target African Americans with almost surgical precision.” That’s not us saying so — those words come from a Federal court. We all know election laws have targeted or disproportionately impacted non-white voters for more than two centuries.
If you or anyone you care about has been convicted of a felony, you probably know that voting rights are one of the many freedoms that can be lost. But state laws about this are changing fast. That’s why it’s so important that elected officials hear from all of us.
In almost every state in America, some elected officials are trying to make it harder for you to vote. If you don’t like having your right to vote messed with, you can do something about it right now. Let’s Save The Vote!