Get involved in politics and grassroots organizing! HeadCount works with hundreds of artists to register voters and raise social consciousness. We're at concerts, festivals, and cultural events around the country registering voters and promoting democracy.

What's it like to volunteer with HeadCount?
In short, you'll help us register voters and then you'll get to see the show for free! The main responsibility of a HeadCount volunteer is to approach people and ask “Are you registered to vote at your current address?” and then assist them as they complete a voter registration form. You need to be outgoing, a good communicator, and a true believer in democracy. You also need to work hard – volunteering is fun but it definitely requires high-energy and a can-do attitude. You’ll engage in this activity from the time the doors open to when the headlining act starts playing, and also be working set-break. In addition, you will participate in a training, plus set-up and take-down of the HeadCount table.
Showing 6 of 91 Events
What our friends are saying
HeadCount has connected me with a community of people working to make the world a better place at both a national and local level. From slinging scoops of Phish Food on tour with the eponymous band, to gathering with friends new and old on LOCKN’ Participation Row, to voter registration drives, some of the best…
Brodie O’Brien • Ben & Jerry’s US Marketing Manager
Having worked in the children’s publishing space for over twenty years, I’ve always thought that the most important part of my job was to prepare kids to become great citizens of the world through reading and books. Partnering with HeadCount has made that connection even stronger.
Jed Bennett • Executive Director of Marketing, Penguin Young Readers
I’ve had the absolute pleasure of working hundreds of events with thousands of people, and the one thing that continues to inspire me is the quality of people drawn to this organization. I’ve had several titles with the organization, but the one I’m most proud of is simply being “JR with HeadCount”.
JR Wotring •Team Leader, Ohio
HeadCount truly brings in the most diverse crowd of like minded individuals that have one common goal; we want you to vote! Becoming a team leader for HeadCount has given me so much purpose & sincerely makes me feel like I’m making an impact in this huge world.
Lindi Smith • Team Leader, Virginia
Volunteering with Headcount has been one of the great joys of my life. We’re providing a service that many people have never even considered. Headcount is a great vehicle to do some good in the community I am proud to be a Headcount Team Leader.
Chris McDonald • Dallas, TX
My best memory of HeadCount is when Bob Weir and Michael Franti gave shout-outs during their performances. I literally got chills and was so proud to be part of an organization that is making a positive change. Sarah Duffany • Salt Lake City, UT
Sarah Duffany • Salt Lake City, UT
The HeadCount mission has fostered within me a true desire to promote positive change. The HeadCount community has provided me with the opportunity not only to meet but to forge strong and lasting friendships with some of the most interesting and genuine people I’ve ever known.
Brigid Tatlow • New York, NY