Nearly 100 people took part in HeadCount's Get Out the Vote phone canvas, Jam Cruise Calling, in the lead up to Tuesday's election. Despite many entries, there can only be one drawing winner and that winner is Jillian Wayman of Nashville, Tennessee.
Jillian is an active volunteer with other organizations in Nashville, and she learned about HeadCount this summer, through that network. Jam Cruise Calling is the first time she has volunteered with HeadCount.
She says that she was instantly interested in HeadCount's cause. She says:
"I feel my generation's awareness of [the world] and the overall state of our country (and planet for that matter), is of HUGE importance! For so many reasons, I think people as a whole feel a strong sense of urgency inside to find a better way of living and evolving in order to progress life in a more positive and functional way. Each of us (young and old), have voices, voices that can contribute taking a stand, to being a part of something more, something bigger than us, something that may save our lives and our children's lives one day."
Jillian was one of the first volunteers to sign on to the Jam Cruise Calling contest and diligently made calls right up through election day.
Congratulation Jillian! We hope you have a great time on Jam Cruise 11!