Today marks day 100 since the inauguration of President Obama and his accompanying administration. Few president's have been faced with such adversity and high expectations as our current, number 44. The 100 days is a presumed indicator by the public and media of the overall success a president will have during his term. It is tough to gauge how effectively an administration is operating after only 100 days given the long run perspective that is needed to make decisions on national and international welfare, but a few sites give it a try.
The New York Times gives a comparison of a few notable past presidents with President Obama, The Wall Street Journal gives an interesting summary of changes and initiatives, followed by some ventured predictions of what is to come and Reuters mentions the anniversary gift given to President Obama by Arlen Spector. My favorite article, though, is an interactive calender from the Financial Times that color codes actions taken day-by-day in five categories: Domestic policy, economic policy, foreign policy, personal matters and early political crises. There is no analysis predicting the effects of his and his administration's enacted policies, but it is very informative and I'm always a sucker for a good color coding scheme.
President Obama made promises of change and action during the election season. From these summaries, it is obvious he has been living up to those promises.