Location: Seattle, WA
HeadCount Band: moe.
Best HeadCount Experience: Too many to count (pun intended). I always enjoy getting engaged with the voters. If I had to pick one I’d say Lotus Halloween in Seattle, just because I was with such a great group. I think moe./Phish tend to have the best engaged fan bases in so far as voter drives.
What's Your Issue?: The environment, and despite poll after poll showing how much this matters to the country, the politicians don’t listen.
Why do you like volunteering for HeadCount?: I like engaging one on one with people and encouraging them to vote. Voting is so important. HeadCount is so much fun - I get to see music I might otherwise never see (most recently, Jay-Z and Kanye West) and engage with different demographics, sometimes people I’d never meet, and get to see how people feel about issues who I might never hear from otherwise! Of course, getting to go and spend some time with fellow volunteers is fun as well!
Hobbies: Music (I have been a taper for many years as well). Outdoors (hiking camping, etc). Politics. Computers.