Fox News reporter Sean Hannity and former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin couldn’t shake the feeling that the Prez is hanging with bad company; Both found the First Lady’s decision to have, Common perform poetry in the White House distasteful and went as far as to call Common “vile.”
To what did they object? Both individuals suggested that bringing Common to the White House showed support for his “violent” lyrics – lyrics that have previously spoken out against the presidency of George W. Bush. Jon Stewart, of the Daily Show, contrary as ever, shot back by calling the correspondents out for their own violent rhetoric. In his comedic style he went on to accuse Hannity of hypocrisy, by evoking some timeless lyrics from National Medal of the Arts recipient, Johnny Cash.
The Obamas and Common have a long history. Other than a love for poetry, Common and the Obamas are proud to hail from Chicago. Their friendly relationship, one that would inspire Common to heavily campaign for Obama in 2008, is rooted in shared political opinion and the fact that together, they attended the Trinity United Church of Christ, lead by Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who notoriously caused a bit of controversy during the 2008 race because of his strongly opinionated sermons.
For the record, while Obama condemned Wright's remarks, Common openly defends the Reverend.
This quasi-controversy will quickly come and go, but it did inspire one of the most hilarious bits on The Daily Show in recent memory.