By Josh Gelfand
Frank Zappa fans might smell a rip-off, but actor/rocker Billy Bob "I like French-fried 'taters" Thornton has written a new song about the dangers of venereal disease. Why? Because, as Thornton recently told Bill Maher, "it is something I think needs to be talked about," adding that there just aren't enough songs about the subject out there.
Well, with the exception of Zappa's "Why Does it Hurt When I Pee?" off of Joe's Garage (see below), he's probably right. Thornton's similarly titled "It Only Hurts When I Pee" debuted recently on Sirius radio, and he plans to release it on his next CD with the Boxmasters.
But seriously, according to the World Health Organization, more than 1 million people are infected with STDs every day and 60% of are 25 or younger. So be careful out there.